Training and Software

Tournaments and contacts:


Marten Walinga


+31 6-34561133

Liuwe Westra

Clinic coordinator

+31 517-469245

Rainer de Groot

Schoolclinics in Fryslân

+31 513 - 630 686


Paolo Faleo, Ville D' Aosta

Italian trainer

+39 347 83 36 137


Czech Republic

Vaclav Krista, Praghue

Frisian Draughts (International)

Frisian Draughts Union


How to learn FRYSK! ?  download the Lidraughts App!

1. Training Frisian draughts, step by step

2. Download the game FRYSK! for free

Stifting WFD (WFD Foundation) is working on a Frisian Draughts World Championship for 2018 – and thereafter, of course. The Frisian Draughts tournaments in Franeker / Frjentsjer (the latest was the 2018 Fryslân Open) prepare for the World Championship.

FRYSK! is virtually the same as Frisian Draughts, with the sole difference being that both players start with only five pieces each. FRYSK! is easier to learn and the games are faster, but it still has the same depth as the complex endgame in Frisian Draughts.


There is now a separate app for FRYSK! The special thing about this app is that you will be able to use it to play live online against other players, either on your smartphone or tablet. The name of the app is FRYSK. The FRYSK app works in the same way as the Fries Dammen app. However, the possibility to play online is unique to the FRYSK app.

Your telephone or tablet will give a signal when it is your turn to play, so you do not need to watch the screen all the time. You can play at any time, against opponents from all over the world. You need not keep playing the game either – you can move when it suits you and the same applies to your opponent.

Naturally we want to develop the same flexibility for the Fries Dammen app, where players start with 20 pieces each. But that is no easy task. This is why we are starting with the FRYSK! variant, where players start with five pieces each.

The app is being developed in Czech Republic by Marcel Nijman, who also built the successful Fries Dammen app.

If you are interested to play on one of our tournaments, please contact us.

We hope to hear from you soon. And enjoy your game!

De Stifting WFD stribbet nei in Wrâldkampioenskip Frysk Damjen yn it jier 2018 (en dêrnei fansels). De toernoaien Frysk damjen yn Frjentsjer (lêste kear: Fryslân Iepen 2017) wurkje nei dat wrâldkampioenskip ta.

FRYSK! is itselde spul as Frysk damjen, mar dan mei 5 houtsjes foar elke spiler. FRYSK! is makliker te learen, spilet flugger, en befettet dochs de folsleine djipgong fan it einspul fan it Fryske damjen.


Foar FRYSK! is der no in aparte app. It bysûndere fan de app is, dat it  mooglik is om online te Frysk damjen tsjin oare spilers op smartphone of iPad. De namme fan de app is FRYSK. FRYSK wurket yn prinsipe krekt as de app Fries Dammen, mar nij is de mooglikheid om online te striken.

De tillefoan of tablet jout it hieltiten oan wannear’t jo wer strike moatte, dus jo hoege net hieltyd nei it skerm te sjen. Jo kinne spylje op elk momint, mei tsjinstanners oeral op ’e wrâld. Jo hoege ek net by it spul te bliuwen: jo kinne sette, op it momint dat it jo útkomt - en itselde jildt foar de tsjinstanner.

De app is ûntwikkele troch Marcel Nijman út Tsjechië, de bouwer fan ’e súksesfolle app Fries Dammen.

Wollo jo wolris in toernoai meispylje?

Oppenearje jim by:

Marten Walinga 06-34561133 /

Liuwe Westra0517-469245 /

Wy hoopje fan jim te hearren. En dan mar strike!